Beauty makes it better.

Published in
1 min readNov 28, 2021


Beauty in your life

In life, being beautiful helps. It makes people want to be around you. It makes us support you over less attractive people. We assume you’re a nicer, more intelligent person.

But beauty only plays one, temporary, role. At some point, beauty can’t cover up who you are as a person.
Thankfully, most people are friendly, kind, lovable enough that beauty becomes a bit irrelevant.

Beauty in branding

All the same rules apply in branding. The more beautiful you can make your brand, the more chance of success you give it.

People are more willing to give a beautiful brand a try over a less attractive one. They’ll assume they’ll have a better experience with your brand based on its looks.

But your offer can be useful and relevant enough that your visuals become irrelevant. And at some point it will have to prove itself relevant, since beauty’s protection is always temporary.


So go for it. Make your brand beautiful as soon as you can afford to hire a branding agency with good taste and a proper method. It’ll give you great advantages.

But I’d argue that the relevance and usefulness of your products and services are more important.

Get them right first.




Brand strategist. Trained Psychologist and Designer. I dream of Typography.